Vol. 23 No. 2 (2018)
From The Editor

Dear Forensic Scientists,

We are here with the new issue of the Bulletin of Legal Medicine in 2018. Apart from being scanned by international indexes such as DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); the Bulletin of Legal Medicine is currently the only forensic science journal among other fields in the country indexed within the scope of Tübitak Ulakbim TR Index once afterthe Council of Universities issued a condition according to the Application Requirements for Associate Professors of having an article published in a nationally reviewed journal indexed by ULAKBIM. As the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of Legal Medicine, we would like to express our gratitude to our valuable authors and reviewers for their contributions.

We are happy to share with you the studies from different disciplines within the scope of the forensic science in this new issue of our journal. We are working to direct our goals to higher levels by maintaining the feature of our journal to be a scientific platform for the forensic sciences field. We would like to ask you to check carefully the journal writing rules while sending your articles to our journal.

We wish to raise the eligibility of our journal higher by being aware of the fact that being scientific is the only way to build up a future for forensic sciences, and we wish to continue to be a common platform sharing the latest studies in Forensic Medicine and Forensic Science areas...

Prof. Dr. Halis Dokgöz

Full Issue
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Research Articles

Mehmet Resul Kadı, Gülsüm Kadı, Yasemin Balcı, Ümit Ünüvar Göçeoğlu
Permanent Disability Rating Determination and Clinical Regulation: Evaluation of Cases of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Medical Faculty, Forensic Medicine Department
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018136937
Ali Rıza Tümer, Mahmut Şerif Yıldırım, Savaş Koçak
Difficult Decision on Tyroid Surgery of Expert Witness: Complication or Malpractice
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2017332861
Sümeyra Demir, Mustafa Eray Yazar, Ayşe Kurtuluş Dereli, Kemalettin Acar
Analysis of Suicidal Deaths in Denizli A 10-Years Retrospective Autopsy Study
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2017136922
Halil İlhan Aydoğdu, Mehmet Askay, Güven Seçkin Kırcı, Erdal Özer
An Evaluation of Legal Capacity in 18-65 Years Old Population
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2017331583
Gülçin Bozlu, Necdet Kuyucu
Poisoning cases who admitted to the pediatrics emergency unit in the last 5 years: Evaluation of 1734 cases
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018238625
Meltem Kokdener, Ünal Zeybekoğlu, Eylem Gündüz
Necrophagous Diptera Diversity in Samsun During Summer Season
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018241705


İlknur Yıldız
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Forensic Nursing Approach
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018241706

Case Reports

Hacer Yaşar Teke, Muhammet Can, Tülay Renklidağ, Nevriye Temel, Asude Gökmen
Baby Death Due to Esophagotracheal Fistula Created by An Alkaline Battery: A Case Report
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018241707
Hüseyin Çetin Ketenci, Emel Çakır, Nazım Ercüment Beyhun, Halil Boz, Hasan Okumuş, Gökhan Cingöz, Bülent Şam
Death Due to Tianeptine Injection Through Inguinal Incision: Two Case Reports
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018238626
Hülya Karadeniz, Halil Boz, Hüseyin Çetin Ketenci
Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning which Occuring with an Unusual Accident and Resulting in Death: Case Report
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018238627
Cüneyt Destan Cenger, Atiye Börtlüoğlu, Birgül Tüzün, Mustafa Cihad Göktepe, Ayşen Ufuk Sezgin, Şebnem Korur Fincancı
Violence Against Healthcare Workers: Case Series
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2018238628
Ertuğrul Gök, Recep Fedakar, Okan Akan
Chylopericardium Detected by Forensic Autopsy
PDF (Turkish)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.2016241708