Vol. 8 No. 2 (2003)

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The first announcement of 6th Congress of Forensic Sciences has reached all of us. All our colleagues have been working for the congress, of which Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty has taken the main responsibility for organization. 16th General Assembly of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine had been accomplished recently. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eisenmenger from Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich presented “Identification of the skeletal remains of Martin Bormann by mtDNA Analysis” in the Department of Forensic Medicine, and a discussion about the specialty training and job description of forensic medicine specialists in Germany and European countries had taken place. We presented all of the volumes of the Bulletin of Legal Medicine, and related our good will to see Prof. Eisenmenger as one of the international advisory board members, and he expressed his pleasure. The Society of Forensic Medicine Specialist has been accepted as an observer member of the European Council of Legal Medicine, and as the official journal of the Society, we hope to carry our journal among the international indices as well. Sincerely yours, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Prof. Dr.

Published: 2003-08-01

Research Article

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  • Male Sexual Abuse in Aydın

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Case Report

  • A Medicolegal Autopsy for a Rabies Infection Case

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  • Delayed Neuropathologic Changes After Carbon Monoxide Intoxication Two Case Reports

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    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.200382498
  • Hemophagocytic Syndrome an Autopsy Case

    Ferah Karayel, Çiğdem Süner, Özhan Yılmazer, Gürsel Çetin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.200382499