Vol. 7 No. 1 (2002)

A new year begins for our journal. This new year brings a fresh arrangement to our field of specialization. A decree of specialization had been accepted this year, and duration of our training have been four years, bearing a similarity with most countries. It is now urgent to discuss the model of training and form the minimum standards for four years. We had published a prospective decree of the specialization board, and had begun to discuss the minimum standards in the second volume of our journal in 1997. It is time to discuss these topics immediately and decide on a new training schedule. We had published an article in this issue in which a discussion on a training model of two years have been carried out. Although the duration of training had been changed as 4 years, this article as accepted by the advisory board before this alteration, is thought to be appropriate to be published to make the discussions gain speed through this topic. The Bulletin of Legal Medicine goes on publishing, though with a delay. Turkish Medical Index still includes our journal and no information has reached us in the contrary. We hope to receive more articles, and catch the actual publishing year in a short time, and apply for international indexes. Sincerely yours, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Prof. Dr.