Vol. 3 No. 2 (1998)

					View Vol. 3 No. 2 (1998)

The Society of Forensic Medicine Specialists had discussed the establishment of the board last year, and this discussions had been published in our Bulletin in order to discuss the subject broadly. However we could not receive a feed back up to this issue. The Board Committee of Specialty Coordination Council published a guideline which includes a prospective code for these boards. Our editorial board decided to publish this guideline so that it can be discussed together with the one which is prepared and published in our Bulletin last year. We hope to receive your feed back' on this subject, and to design our code of the board. The Bulletin of Legal Medicine has been accepted to the Index of Turkish Medical Journals, and it is one of the 45 journals which have been accepted among approximately 300 journals. This is an important success for a young journal, and we hope that our Bulletin will improve more and more every year. Our Bulletin will have the chance to apply for Excerpta Medica at the end of this year, as it accomplishes its third year, and we shall be waiting for the year 2000 in order to be in Index Medicus. We invite you all to carry The Bulletin of Legal Medicine to 21st century. Editor

Published: 1998-08-01

Full Issue

Research Article

  • The Area of Foramen Magnum Its Applicability for Sex Determination

    Yasemin Günay, Muzaffer Altınkök, Sadi Çağdır, Hüseyin Sarı
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.199832296
  • A Survey About Forced Intercourse in Marriage

    Mehmet Fatih Yavuz, Zeynep Belma Gölge, Nurhas Safran
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.199832297
  • Physicians’ Approach to Obtaining Organ Prior to Legal Autopsy for Transplantation a Study on Inquiries

    İmdat Elmas, Birgül Tüzün, Erdem Akkay
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.199832298


  • Ethical Concepts and the Discussion of Forensic Expertise in Turkey

    Mete Gülmen, Necmi Çekin, Ahmet Hilal, Benhan Alper, Serpil Salaçin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.199832294
  • Forensic Document Examination Around the World

    Nevzat Alkan, Mehmet Şevki Sözen, Ömer Kurtaş
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.199832295