Vol. 7 No. 2 (2002)

					View Vol. 7 No. 2 (2002)

We are very glad to share the new issue of our journal. It is important to be able to publish the Bulletin of Legal Medicine more frequently since there has been a new decree of specialization, and the discussions should be focused on the standard training for four years, together with log books of the trainees. All these discussions can be shared immediately by this journal, nevertheless we shall also need an effective meeting to constitute our specialization board. New requirements for academic evaluation, particularly the obligation for having articles published in journals which are accepted in international science citation indexes, has decreased the number of articles sent for being published in our journal. However, we all should know that The Bulletin of Legal Medicine is periodically published, and fullfills the requirements of Turkish Medical Index through all of the necessary observations, so we can apply for international indexes if we catch up with the immediate year. We have to feed our journal with our new researches, and support its publication not only with our qualified articles, but with our mostly delayed payments for subscription to our Society as well. Sincerely yours, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Prof. Dr.

Published: 2002-08-01

Research Article

  • The Role of Alcohol in Deaths due to Stab Wound Injuries

    Nursel Türkmen, Recep Fedakar, Volkan Çetin, Dilek Durak
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.200272474
  • Evaluation of Public Prosecution Records of Women Exposed Domestic Violence in Trabzon

    Füsun Yarış, Bülent Savran, İsmail Birincioğlu, Deniz Kartı
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.200272475
  • Delinquency Among Children Working on the Street in Aydın

    Özlem Erel, Mustafa Selim Özkök, Ufuk Katkıcı
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.200272476


  • The Importance of Multidisciplinary Evaluation of Juvenile Criminal Responsibility

    Ümit Biçer, Işık Karakaya, Ömer Kurtaş, Ümit Naci Gündoğmuş, Türker Doğan, Ayşen Coşkun
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.200272477

Case Report

  • Primary Nocardia Infection in Brain Cerebellum and Brain Stem a Case Report

    Elif Ülker Akyıldız, Büge Öz, Işıl Pakiş
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.200272478