Vol. 5 No. 1 (2000)

An editorial change has occured from this issue on. I wish to greet you as the new editor of this journal, although i had worked for it as the associate editor from the beginning. We have been a team, we were inexperienced in some ways. Nevertheless we were hopeful, and we are still hopeful because a new productivity has raised through an unproductive period. Many young colleagues joined us, and they are motivated, and supported by seniors who had suffered for long. Our former editor has been one of the major supporters of the juniors, and she decided that she has accomplished her mission for the journal as an editor, although she will still go on working with us in the advisory board. We are lucky that we have had the chance to work together with her, and we have learned so many since. Our journal has suffered a delay, and tried hard to catch the time. However, the gap seems to be filled in a short time as the productivity of our colleagues has gained speed recently. The hard times appear to come to an end, and our former editor has passed us an easier mission to accomplish. I received a very nice letter from the former editor, and i have been moved by this emotional process. All this march had been a grand experience of fellowship, and a precious earning for us. This fellowship and the development through the process has been for the benefit of The Society of Forensic Medicine Specialists, and this solidarity and collaboration will hopefully be a model for our junior colleagues. I expect to accomplish my mission, and leave this relay race in a confidence for the future. Prof.Dr.Şebnem Korur Fincancı