Vol. 1 No. 2 (1996)

We have received encouraging messages, both from our country and abroad, after publishing our first Bulletin. I wish to thank all of our colleagues who have sent these encouraging messages, and also I thank our advisory board members who have kindly answered our requests of manuscript peerviews immediately and thoroughly. We realise that a great responsibility have been put on our shoulders. We know that the success of The Society of Forensic Medicine Specialists, depends on periodic publishing of the Bulletin, as one of the most important factors. We hope that we shall fulfill most of the expectations. The Bulletin will try to play a role of a bridge over troubled water of forensic sciences in our country towards new perspectives, Also we try to keep close contact with the colleagues all over the world. It is a hard task, but we are hopeful because of the support you have made us feel on every step of this work.