Evaluation of the Sexual Assault Crimes in Muğla Forensic Medicine Department
forensic medicine, sexual assault, genital examinationAbstract
Objective: This research has been designed to evaluate victims of sexual assault crimes whom were sent to Forensic Medicine Department in Muğla, in last two years.
Material and Method: Due to this purpose, 385 forensic reports issued for 341 sexual assault cases on behalf of victims between 01. June 2012 and 31 May 2014 were evaluated retrospectively. Additional to demographic parameters such as, victims’ ages, sexes, relations between accused ones and victims, region of crime, and the period duration between the crime and forensic evaluation are also evaluated statistically.
Results: 90,3% of the cases were female and 9,7% of them were male. 90,6 were Turkish citizen, rest of them have different nationalities. 63,3% or the victims vere younger than 18 years old, 36,7 of them were older than 19 years old. 50,1% of the victims were teen ages between 13 and 18 years old. In 23,8% of the cases accused ones were ex or ongoing boyfriend, lowers, or fioncee, in 17,3 % of the cases they were relatives. 56,3 % of the cases, it happened it house conditions. In 17,6% of the cases it has been detected that sexual assault had been going on since before 2011. 50,1 % of the cases had happened between May and August. 33,7% of the victims has been evaluated by a physician in 72 hours after the crime and 33,7 of them were performed in Forensic Medicine Department.
Keywords: Forensic Medicine, Sexual Assault, Genital Examination
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