The Importance of Bone Prosthesis in the Identification From Human Skeleton


  • Uğur Koçak Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp AD
  • Murat Yağan Afyonkarahisar Adli Tıp Şube Müdürlüğü
  • Erdal Özer Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp AD
  • Emre Kaçar Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Radyoloji AD



identification, forensic radiology, bone prosthesis, exhumation


In this study, we present a negative identification case, which the claim by the relatives of the exhumed corpse has been invalidated by the macroscopic and Radiologic examination of the skeleton.
According to the information obtained via legal documents, a woman died in 2009, another woman died the next day and was buried in the same cemetery. The claimants has suggested that the brother of the other women has forgotten the place of burial, moved their mother’s gravestone elsewhere and constructed a marble grave for his sister. They stated that their mother had total hip replacement surgery in 2006 due to fracture on right side and presented the medical records and x-rays concerning this operation.
Both femoral heads were intact and no hip prosthesis was detected neither macroscopically nor on the radiological examination of the exhumed bones.
Contrary to the claimant’s suggestions, the postmortem examination of the exhumed bones excluded the possibility of the bones belonging to their mother. So, no further investigation like DNA profiling was performed.
Our case indicated that comparison between antemortem and postmortem radiographs has a significant value in identification. Therefore, antemortem radiographs should be kept as long as possible.

Keywords: Identification; Forensic Radiology; Bone Prosthesis; Exhumation


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Author Biography

  • Uğur Koçak, Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp AD

    In 1994, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University. After completing his compulsory service he started his family medicine Specialization in Taksim Training and Research Hospital and became a Family Medicine Specialist in 2000. After completing the Forensic Medicine specialization at the Council of Forensic Medicine in 2004, he became a Forensic Medicine Specialist. In the National Judicial Network Project carried out by the Ministry of Justice, he took part in the development of the Forensic Medicine Module as a Functional User of Forensic Medicine. In 2005, he was commissioned by the Minister of Justice to construct the Department of Computer Crimes established under the body of the Council of Forensic Medicine. In 2006, he made observations at the London Metropolitan Police High Technology Crimes Laboratory and the Netherlands Institute of Forensic Sciences. He attended Microsoft Systems Engineering, C Programming, SQL Database, WEB Programming, Electronic Signature courses to improve himself in the field of informatics.

    As a result of the investigations, He prepared a report stating that the procedures to be carried out in the Cyber ​​Crimes, Audio and Video Analysis Branches which will be put into operation in the Council of Forensic Medicine are not similar to the examination subjects of the Physical Examination Department and should be carried out under a specialized new department by the professionals consisting of graduate and doctoral students and presented to the Presidency of the Council of Forensic Medicine. He was appointed to the Rize Branch Office of the Council of Forensic Medicine. In 2007, he took part in the organization of Forensic Informatics Course by Forensic Scientists Association and Izmir Institute of High Technology. In 2009, he was appointed as academic member to the Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Rize University. He gave lectures on Forensic Medicine and Medical Informatics. Between November 2012 and November 2018 he worked as the chair of Forensic Medicine Department of Afyon Kocatepe University. He is currently working as a lecturer in the Department of Forensic Medicine, Tayfur Sökmen Medical Faculty, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay. He is married and has 2 children. Assist. Dr. Uğur Koçak is fluent in English.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Koçak U, Yağan M, Özer E, Kaçar E. The Importance of Bone Prosthesis in the Identification From Human Skeleton. Bull Leg Med. 2014;18(1):25-30.