Our stııdy aims to enlighlen the detailed information aboııt sexııal violence acts lovvaııl İcmale ııniversity students and graduates in Ttııkey. Tlıis research of scxual violence victim suıvey inclııdes the rates of sexual violence acts,\vhen,\vhere, by \vhom and lıoıv beiııg actetl, ho\v ef-fected the vietims and fiııally ıvasons of noıı-reporting.
The research \vas performed among tüt) female partici-pants ineluding botlı ııniversity students and graduates in İstanbul. Mean age vvas 22.3 yeaıs. Results have shown that feınales were lıighly exposed to sexual violence and the as-saillants \vere commonly acc|uitance of the vietims. Incidence of se.şııal violence was high tınıl reportiııg ratio was veıy low. Being exposed to tıny kinci of sexııal violence vvas se en in 84 % of females. Apart fronı the verbal and visual ones. being a victim of sexııal violence condııcted by plıvsi-cal conıact to body paıts \vith a range of bad toııch to ıtıpe vvas tılso seen in high levcis such as in lA.B "iı . Bcsides the high rates of v ietimization. the lovv rates of reportiııg espe-citılly signifies the imporlance ot loreıısic ınedictıl efforts to perforııı alfective medical examination and tılso ıhı evalu-atioıı ol evidences in orcler to overeome tlıis problem.