The Medico-Legal Evaluation of Women' s Sexual Dysfunctions
    P: 173-179
    December 2000

    The Medico-Legal Evaluation of Women' s Sexual Dysfunctions

    The Bulletin of Legal Medicine 2000;5(3):173-179
    1. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Adli Tıp Fnstitiisii, Doktora Öğrencisi
    2. İstanbul Üniversitesi. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı
    No information available.
    No information available
    Received Date: 17.01.2001
    Accepted Date: 30.03.2001


    Sexual dysfunctions a re very fıequent among man and vvomaıı. It has a very important role in ınaintaning a good family relationship. If tlıis relationship breaks dovvn, the co-uples may go to coıırt to divoıre, as tlıey think their family relationship will not contiııue.

    Foıvnsic medical specialists. a re aceepted as an expert. for seveıal occasions as vvell as assessment of sexual dysfunctions. at the coıırts. Ilovvever oıır observations reve-al tlıat problems of sexual dysfunction regarding men a re lrec]uently rejguirecl to be assessed ıııore by coıııts.

    Sexııal dysfunctions of vvomen a re complex as men's. and on the contıary of general beliefs vvomen's scxual dysfunctions a re ıııore coııımon tlıan men. İn oıır coııntry. tlıere a re only a fe\v studies becaııse lifestyle of Tu rk İslı la-milv is ratlıer obscene aboııl sexuality.

    The purpose of tlıis stııdy is, to preseni general inlorma-tion aboııt sexııal cly.sfıınctions aıııong vvoıııen and to exa-nıine botlı foreıısic and legal aspects of tlıis topic. Tlıeıv seems to be a neecl for inerease in ille nıınıber of the rese-arclıers for tlıis topic.

    Keywords: Sexual dysfunction. vvoıııan, foreıısic me-dicine, divoıce.


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