Is it Physical Abuse or Blue Sclera? A Case Report
Case Report
P: 64 - 66
April 2017

Is it Physical Abuse or Blue Sclera? A Case Report

Bull Leg Med 2017;22(1):64-66
1. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı, Aydın
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 18.08.2015
Accepted Date: 13.10.2015


Abuse of the children continues to be an important problem of public health and social welfare. Approximately 4-16% of all children are exposed to physical abuse and 155.000 children loose their lives due to abuse and neglect worldwide each year.

It is usually difficult to distinguish the skin diseases that mimics maltreatment and child abuse for clinicians. To distinguish between these two conditions a dermatologist may be consultated. Because skin damage is the most recognizable and common form of the abuse.

A seven years old girl who has been subjected to physical abuse by her father according to the hospital records and sent to our clinic for the evaluation of lesions on the face and body in terms of congenital or a sign of physical abuse was investigated in this study. Patient was consultated to pediatrics, dermatology and ophtalmology. It was found that the vision is normal, no retinal damage and blue sclera (thinning of the retina) was detected. The lesions on face and body were consistent with the porto wine stains. These findings on face and body were not associated with physical abuse. It is highlighted in this study that the lesions of skin disease and some metabolic diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of physical abuse.

Child Physical Abuse, Blue Sclera, Mimickers of Physical Abuse, Forensic Medicine