In disclosure of 'abuse 'cases and these being taken to the court, medical reports do not reveal abuse cases due to the doc-tor's not having appropriate training his or her unwillingness to get involved in in family problems, and being unable to con- sider the fact that parents may harm the child. Two sisters exa-mined, were subject to physical and sexual abuse. After the abu-se case has been taken to the court, the youngest brother (8 months old) had to receive treatment because of a deep and ex-tensive burn. And very soon after this, the 4 year-old sister together being with her mother, died in a mini-bus accident.
A conference on child abuse was given to an audience with jurists being available by our faculty of forensic medicine. The conference was held virtually at a time just when the case was introduced.
The attorney general, who met the family in inquiry, sued the father for public good although the sisters had given up the-ir complaints.
The topic was discussed with respect to education, physical sexual, abuse and negligence.