In our study three cases w ere discussed with in chapter 154 o f Criminal Law and chapter 155 o f Criminal Procedure Law of Turkish Republic o f Northern Cyprus. B etw een 1971- 1994, the court sent 11 cases to the Lefkoşa Barış Mental Health Hospital to determ ine w hether they have the com petency to stand trial and criminal responsibility. Hospital docum ents show ed that 3 mental patients w ho had homicidal acts had b een charged according to the chapter 154 as incompetent, and they had been detayed in a criminal mental hospital for any period determined by Council of Ministry according to the chapter 155. In the light o f these 3 cases, each having had severe hom icidal acts, law relating to the mental patients in Turkish Republic o f Northern Cyprus with the custody and m aintenance of these patients for the purpose of public safety w ere discussed.