Evaluation of toxicological analysis results and treatment applications in cases registered for drug addiction at parole branch office of Trabzon
Research Article
P: 80 - 87
August 2009

Evaluation of toxicological analysis results and treatment applications in cases registered for drug addiction at parole branch office of Trabzon

Bull Leg Med 2009;14(2):80-87
1. Adli Tıp Kurumu, Trabzon Grup Başkanlığı
2. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 05.11.2008
Accepted Date: 05.04.2009


Substance use, increased rapidly all over the world and our country become a very important social problem, to take legal measures were made compulsory parole is the conditional release of a prison inmate after serving part (if not all) of his or her sentence, allowing the inmate to live in the community under supervision of the parole period. Parole and Aid Cen-ters, which were put in effect by Ministry of Justice in the con-text of membership process of EU, set up as a social service on 20 July 2005 with a law which went into effect after being pub-lished in Official Gazette.

At this study, 201 (47.2%) cases, which contained drug addic-tion were examined out of 425 cases in total, which were registered to Branch Directorate of Trabzon Parole between the dates of 21 December 2005 and 30 June 2008. The cases were grouped in terms of age, gender, education level, occupation, drugs used, treatment, and toxicological analysis results. The rates of drug using for men are 98.5% (n = 198), and for women 1.5% (n=3). The ages of cases were ranked between 17 and 64, the average age was found as 32.47±10.55 years. The frequency of drug use is most in the age group of 27-36 (39.8%, n=80).

As a result, parole application, which is rather new in Tur-key, has puts on the agenda with a chance of being addictive vere recovered to the society by being followed and treated. The reluctance of guilty people returning to the prison again, the ef-fect on individual of being considered important by system, and illuminating information which were given by educator, and treatment performance indicate positive effect on the guilty.

Parole, drug, addiction