To evaluate the sociodemographic data of the women ex-posed to domestic violence in Trabzon was aimed in the study.
Public prosecution records of the 164 domestic violence ca-ses who live in Trabzon and had been decided not to prosecu-te, from the 363 women reported by Department of Council of Forensic Medicine were investigated. Mean age was 30.9 (10-67) years. Sixty-four% of the cases (n=105) were married. Onehundred-twelve (68.3%) cases had children, 6 cases (3.7%) were illiterate, 58.5% (n=96) were graduated of primary school. Onehundred-two (62.2%) cases were housewives. Eighty-ni-ne% (n=146) were exposed to physical and verbal, 9.8% (n=16) verbal, 1.2% (n=2) sexual, physical and verbal violence. The violence was continuous in 31.7% (n=52) cases. 65.2% (n=107) were beaten at home. Assailants were the husbands in 68 (41.5%) cases.
As majority of the cases were exposed to physical and ver-bal violence at home, graduated of primary school and had children; women in low social status were seen to be affected more.