Deaths Among Homeless in Ankara
Research Article
P: 151 - 155
December 2018

Deaths Among Homeless in Ankara

The Bulletin of Legal Medicine 2018;23(3):151-155
1. Adli Tıp Kurumu, Afyonkarahisar Adli Tıp Şube Müdürlüğü, Afyonkarahisar
2. Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Tayfur Sökmen Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı, Hatay
3. Ankara Gazi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı, Ankara
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 02.08.2018
Accepted Date: 17.10.2018


Materials and Methods:

In this study, autopsy reports of 127 homeless cases who died in Ankara and recorded by Morgue Department of Forensic Medicine Institution in Ankara between 1997-2006 were reviewed. The data were evaluated retrospectively in terms of age, gender, the place where the deceased was found, the season and the cause of death. The data obtained from the cases were recorded and analyzed by using the statistical program (SPSS 16.0).


It was found that 116 (91.33%) of homeless deaths were men and the most frequent deaths were between 30-61 years with a ratio of (70.08%). The places where they were found are mostly derelict buildings, construction sites and shielding places. Deaths mostly occurred in autumns and winters (62.99%). General hygiene of the found corpses of the homeless people (67.1 %) were distorted and autopsy was held for 42,51 % of total. It was determined that unnatural death causes (%55.11) were traffic accidents (14.17 %) and alcoholic intoxications (7.87%). Natural causes of deaths were found to be acute myocardial infarctions (18.90%) and multi organ failures based on malnutrition (5.51%) respectively.


We can conclude that the data collected by the forensic evaluation of the death place by crime scene investigation team, taking detailed declarations of witnesses and determining the cause of deaths among “Homeless” people might be the fundamental data for taking necessary precautions in order to increase life expectancy of these homeless people.


Homeless people are a national problem for Turkey as well as in other countries. The higher death rates of homeless people than general population makes important to determine causes of preventable deaths and to inform the social institutions and the state about to take precautions against these deaths. Aim of this study is to build public attention to this problem, to make contribute to the statistical data about homeless people in our country and to obtain data in order to take preventive measures.

Homeless, Homeless People, Homeless Deaths.