Comparison between the Forensic Medicine Departments and the Unit of Council of Forensic Medicine in Kocaeli in related with forensic service
Research Article
P: 9 - 14
April 2003

Comparison between the Forensic Medicine Departments and the Unit of Council of Forensic Medicine in Kocaeli in related with forensic service

Bull Leg Med 2003;8(1):9-14
1. Kocaeli üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 08.07.2004
Accepted Date: 02.08.2004


Although Council of Forensic Medicine(CFM) and Forensic Medicine Departments of University are both defined as official expertise centers for medicolegal cases, forensic expertise services are carried out by Units of Council of Forensic Medicine in practice. Under ordinary circumstances , forensic medicine de-partments should take responsibility not only for education but also science and technology improvement. Insufficient contribu-tion of forensic medicine departments to the forensic expertice service is an handicap to spread the service and make it faster.

We compare the statistical data of forensic services for the years 1998-2002 that was held by two different forensic exper-tise office. We found that most of the forensic reports were pre-pared by the Units of CFM, (98.1% of all reports) while only a small proportion of the reports were prepared by the Forensic Medicine Departments, Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medici-ne (1.9%).The proportion of reports about other aspects of forensic subjects between two offices are as follows; 96.3% of the reports of sexual assaults were prepared by the units of CFM, while only 3.7 % of them was prepared by the forensic medicine departments. 97.6% of the reports related with forensic psychiatry was prepared by the units of CFM, and 2.4% of them were prepared by the forensic medicine departments. We found that post mortems were carried out only by the forensic specialists from the units of CFM.

As a conclusion, appropriate contribution of the forensic medicine departments in the forensic field can decrease excessi-ve work load on the units of CFM, reducing the need for general practitioners and would be beneficial for educational duty of forensic medicine departments.

The Council of Forensic Medicine, The Forensic Medicine Department, Forensic Specialist, Autopsy, Corp-se Evaluation, Sexual Assault, Forensic Psychiatry