The deaths originating from cardiovascular diseases are the most important causes of sudden death (90%). According to the mortality statistics, 300.000-400.000 person dies because of sudden cardiac death every year in the United States. However, the atherosclerotic coronary diseases are the major cause of sudden cardiac death in the entire world at the adult ages, ana-tomic abnormalities of coronary arteries may cause sudden de-aths in the young especially while training and has no medical cardiac history before. The abnormalities of coronary arteries which coronary passes through the aorta and pulmonary arte-ries and the single or both arteries originating from the right si-nus have the highest risk of sudden death.
In this study we present a 21 year old young man, died sud-denly after training, who has no specific symptoms or diagno-sis before. In the autopsy, left main coronary artery, abnor-mally originated from the right sinus and passes through the aorta and pulmonary arteries is founded. The anatomic and pathologic features of the high risk coronary artery anomalies are reviewed with the findings of the case.