Vol. 1 No. 1 (1996)

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (1996)

We introduce you "The Bulletin of Legal Medicine’’ which is the official publication of the "Society of Forensic Medicine Specialists of Turkey”. Three issues as one volume will be published annually. The Society of Forensic Medicine Specialists of Turkey has been founded in December 30th, 1992 as a non-govermental organisation by 12 medical doctors, all of whom are Forensic Medicine specialists and work in the field of Forensic Sciences. In the mean time the society has reached a number of 117 members. The Society has initiated many projects, such as taking part in the harmonization program of [JEMS, formation of the Board and standardization of the postgraduate education. In addition to these projects, postgraduate courses for general practitioners will be held in 1996 throughout the country, in coordination with the Turkish Medical Association, in the future, we hope to expand both professional and multicultural diversity of the society and its journal. The aims of the Bulletin of Legal Medicine are to be a forum for the publication of academic work in the field of Forensic Sciences and to encompass all aspects of the field on a world-wide basis. It is intended that this journal becomes to have an international audience and perspective in near future. Each issue of the journal will contain "original articles", "review articles", “case reports", “literature citation" sections. Other features of the journal include conference reports, book reviews and diaiy of events. The papers are Wellcome, written in Turkish or English, with reverse language summary. We are grateful to our distinguished colleagues from different parts of Turkey and the world who have so kindly agreed to serve on the advisory board.

Published: 1996-02-01

Full Issue


  • Legal Medicine in Europe The Past and the Future

    Anthony Busuttil
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17986/blm.19961186