Vol. 10 No. 2 (2005)

Dear Colleagues, You will not read an editorial as long as the one in Turkish in which. I have shared an administrative process with our Turkish colleagues, which would not be very useful for our international readers. There have been raised a case against me as an editor and Presidents of the Society which we had acquitted, and this procedure was important for our Society since it was about a colleague of ours unfortunately. We are a little behind of the calender due to limited number of articles, however we noticed a significant increase recently, and we all hope that we can publish 2006 volume in the same year. This is very important for us to be able appeal Citation Index. We always tried hard not to compromise in context of qualification, and peer review procedure though published in delay, and we now hope to be more successful on reaching you on time. Sincerely, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Prof. Dr.