Vol. 10 No. 1 (2005)

Dear Colleagues, The Bulletin of Legal Medicine begins 10th year of publishing with this new issue of the volume. All researchers, authors, peer-reviewers, and colleagues who work for the publishing procedure enthusiastically and voluntarily created an established journal together, and performed a good work for determined goals recently. We all worked twice more for the last year, and catched up with the date, and this will be extremely helpful to reach our main goal. We had decided on the principles just in the beginning of publishing this journal together with our first editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. Serpil Salaçin, and never compromised to abandon our principles as a peer-reviewed scientific journal albeit any problems that arised during the whole course. Thus we are determined to renew and multiply our energy in the second decade. Modified injury scale for evaluation of trauma cases according to the new Penal Code had been accomplished, and published in the beginning of this year. The 6th Symposium of Forensic Sciences will be held in Elazığ, and the main topic will be changes in forensic expertise with recent amendment of legislation. The Bulletin of Legal Medicine is a very strong instrument to share most recent knowledge, and to improve our practice. We should use this instrument effectively. Sincerely, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Prof. Dr.