Vol. 8 No. 3 (2003)

We finished one more year of publication. With an utmost grief, we witness the loss of our colleagues, and distinguished professors every year, recently. Dr. Sebahattin Okumuş, and Prof. Dr. Talia Bali Aykan were our last losses. We all know Prof. Aykan with her struggle to establish autopsy, and its significance in our country. The Bulletin of Legal Medicine had published an article written by Anthony Busuttil with an appendix of Council of Europe on recommendation about aotopsy, and Harmonization of the Performance of the Medico-Legal Autopsy in the first issue, just 8 years ago. We observe that most of the articles have been about autopsy findings in spite of insufficient material. Turkey is in an era of many amendments of law. These amendments will hopefully lead to end the lack of material in the Universities. Sincerely yours, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Prof. Dr.