Vol. 7 No. 3 (2002)

One more year of the Bulletin has ended. This year we enlarged our editorial board and publication committee. A team-work is necessary for publishing a scientific journal, and to share the experience widely is the responsibility of this team. The Bulletin has been published for 7 years, and a strong scientific concept has been established in all these years. The valuable contribution of our former editor, Prof.Dr. Serpil Salaçin should be reminded. We are sure that this scientific nature of our publication policy, which we established through a team work will be preserved in the future. Although new requirements for academic evaluation, particularly the obligation of for having articles published in journals which are accepted in international science citation indexes, has decreased the number of articles sent for being published in national journals, similar trend of our journal has changed recently, and increasing number of articles waiting for publication is a display for acceptance of the scientific nature of our publication policy. Sincerely yours, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Prof. Dr.