Vol. 5 No. 2 (2000)

This year will be a reproductive year for The Society of Forensic Medicine Specialists for the 4th Congress of Forensic Sciences is going to be held together with the Department of Forensic Medicine of Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty. The team work of forensic scientists together with forensic physicians will be presented during the congress, and we are sure that all of the presentations will emphasize the importance of walking together towards the same destination. We have been publishing the manuscripts of the presentations of the 3rd Congress since the last issue of the 4th volume as a supplement to the Bulletin, and the presentations of the 4th Congress will follow these. Although the articles that have been published in our Bulletin are all peer reviewed by at least two members of the Advisory Board, the presentations that have been and will be published are not peer reviewed, because they are accepted for presentation during the Congress, and the supplement is considered as a separate and independent part of the Bulletin which is dedicated to the Congress. The 4th Congress is going to have a main theme of human rights due to the importance of the year 2000, and round table discussions on different aspects of human rights are planned as plenary sessions. The headlines of round table discussions will vary from the rights of elderly to fetus, and eminent people of these issues will participate and contribute these discussions.