Vol. 4 No. 3 (1999)

We witness the delay of some journals which have a history of two centuries, recently. Although they are citated by Index Medicus, Current Contents, and EMBASE, nobody consider this delay as a sign of disappearance. This may be due to the tradition and identity of scientific periodics that both the journals and the associations have acquired in the meanwhile. However, there is a hurry and carelessness for the periodics in the countries without significant scientific tradition, and many periodics do not consider peer review as an important issue. The efforts of developing a scientific tradition can easily be abandoned, and a habit of choosing the easiest way may overcome, thus this danger should never be overlooked. I have tried to mention this issue before. Peer review presents a possibility of discussion before an article is published, and this special future contributes much for scientific develeopment. However, through out the history of science sometimes we meet the story of an important article that has had an influence on scientific development which had not caught the opportunity to be published in a peer reviewed journal. Nevertheless i meant to share my opinion without any subjectivity that the advisory board and the authors are the important components of establishing a scientific tradition for scientific journals. We shall have a supplementary part of our bulletin from now on. Oral and poster presentations of III"-1 Congress of Forensic Sciences which had been held at Kuşadası in 1988 are going to be published in consequence. Altough this effort took some time, and this may be considered as a serious delay for the autors, we hope this supplementary part to be a rememberance just before the IVth Congress