Vestibuler Schwannoma a Case Report and Review of the Literature
vestibular schwannoma, cerebellopontine angle tumor, intra cranial neoplasm, vestibulocochlear nerveAbstract
Vestibular schwannomas are benign intracranial tumors of the vestibulocochlear (eighth cranial) nevre which arise most commonly from the Schwann cells of the inferior part of the vestibular nevre. Although incidence varies according to the reports, it comprises 1-10% of all intracranial neoplasm in adults.
It is reported that, vestibular schwannomas account for about 60% of all schwannomas and 90% of all intracranial schwannomas. Incidence peaks in the fifth and sixth decades and male/female ratio was 2/3. However, the signs and symptoms of the tumor vary greatly and depend on the tumor's size, location and rate of growth, unilateral hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo are exist. Symptoms due to focal compression and increased intracranial pressure may be present. Advances in neuroimaging technology has enabled early diagnosis and treatment with minimally invasive techniques.
In this report; autopsy and histopathologic findings of a 44 year-old male who has died suddenly and suspiciously and has a vestibular schwannoma that incidentally determined at medico legal autopsy is presented. The case is discussed in the light of published reports and the findings and diagnosis of vestibular schwannoma and the possible risk factors involved in the etiology are reviewed. This article is also summarize the findings of some of published reports which investigated the role of base stations, mobile phones or other mobile communication devices in the etiology.
Key words: Vestibuler Schwannoma, cerebellopontine angle tumor, intra cranial neoplasm, vestibulocochlear nevre.
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