Evaluation of Thyroid Hormones Levels in Hanging Death Case
hanging, autopsy, thyroid hormonesAbstract
Investigation of manner of death for hanging which is encountered frequently suicidal have great importance. Manner of death may sometimes be accidental or homicide. However the method of hangings seemed to be the same, the trauma occured at skeletal system and the mechanism of death differentiate. Scene investigation and autopsy should be necessary to reveal manner, and mechanism of death in such cases. a complete autopsy had been performed for 22 years old male whose manner of death was reported suicidal hanging,. Scene investigation showed the decedents wrists were tied in front and a furrow slanting upward superficially toward the knot was rear of in external examination. Hemorrhage was found in soft tissues beneath the furrow at the back of neck. Hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage and cervical vertebras were found intact while internal structures of neck was examined Triiodothyronine concentration was detected 13.71 pg/mL (reference levels^. 57-4.43 pg/mL) in postmortem blood test There was no significant macroscopic findings except furrow as well as high level of postmortem thyroid hormone and the position of deceased lead to conclusion that wrists seemed to be tied by himself and this case had been evaluated for these certain unique features
Key words: Hanging, autopsy, thyroid hormones.
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