Determination of Gunshot Residue on Hand Deposited Obtained From Shootings Carried Out with Handgun Cartridges Produced by Makine Kimya Endustrisi Kurumu Using Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Method
flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometer, gunshot residues, firing hand determination, mechanical and chemical industry corporationAbstract
In criminal cases associated with gunshot, shooter identification is of significant importance in order to reveal the manner of death ( murder, suicide, accident). Determining the shooting hand is possible by analyzing the gunshot residue obtained from the suspect's hands. The aim of this study is to determine gunshot residue both qualitatively and quantitatively and setting standards in Turkey performing experimental shootings with handgun cartridges produced by Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation and analyse with Flameless Atomic Absorption Spechtrophotometer using chemical methods. In this study, experimental shootings were carried out using 7.65mm Browning and 9mm Parabellum type cartridges performing one, two and three shots with right hand alone, left hand alone, and both hands together holding the gun. Gunshot residue is collected from the palmar and dorsal surfaces of both hands by using adhesive tapes (surgical zincoxide tape). This method was preferred in order to obtain comparable results since the crime scene investigation teams collect gunshot residue in the same way. Levels of antimony, lead and barium, the components of the primer of the cartridge, were analyzed quantitatively by FAAS using 5% nitric acid in all samples. There was no linear increase in the amount of gunshot residue obtained with respect to the increase in the number of shootings. In a similar way, there was no linear increase in the amount of gunshot residue with respect to the increase in diameter either by using 7.65mm Browning or 9mm Parabellum type cartridges. As a result the gunshot residue collection and analysis method in this study is considered as the most appropriate method as it is easily available, cost effective and readily used method of collecting gunshot residue in Turkey.
Key words: Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, gunshot residues, firing hand determination, Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation
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