Signature Forgery by Stamp Transferring a Case Report
handwriting, signature, signature forgery, forensic document examination, stamp transferringAbstract
Forensic document examination is a field of multidiciplinary approach. Most of the questioned document examinations are signature examinations, Turkey and the world. Signature is a more complex and special form of handwriting. Therefore many factors that effect formation of the characters of handwriting also effect formation of the characters of signature. Signatures can vary naturally with time, but also change due to some clinical conditions or diseases. Conscious and voluntary or signing in a form different from the original signature, or signing in order to rebemle another person’s signature are common types of signature forgery. Copying a signature by superimposition or looking at the original signature, copying freely an stamp transfer are other forms of signature forgery. This case report is a about a signature forgery in the form of stamp transfer. The aim of this presentation is to discuss this kind of signature forgery.
Key words: Handwriting, signature, signature forgery, forensic document examination, stamp transferring.
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