Arteriosclerosis and Its Frequency in Respect with Macroscopic Findings in Medicolegal Autopsies


  • Gülşin Canoğulları Kul Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı
  • Yasemin Günay Balcı Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı



autopsy, atherosclerosis, brain, coronary arteries, aorta


Depending on fast increase of aged population, Atherosclerosis has continued to project its currency. In this study, it was aimed to determinate atherosclerosis frequency among persons subjects that had been send for data have been evaluated medicolegal autopsy and whether autopsy findings have reflected general medical knowledge or not. In 182 cases whose medicolegal autopsies were performed by our department in 2002-2003, coronery arteries, removed aorta and brain basillary arteries were evaluated from the point of view of the atherosclerosis retrospectively. Furthermore; sex, age, cause of death and residential district of case were registered. Statistical comparisons were done. In our research while we have determined statistically significant relation between sex and frequency of atherom plaque existence both in aorta (p < .05) and coronary arteries.We have not determined significance between sex and existence of atherom plaque. In the brain basillary arteries (p > 0.05) in general atherom plaque was observed at most in outward parts in aorta. In the contrary atherom plaque development was rare in brain basillary arteries. On the other hand, it has been determined that as age increases, especially over 40, frequency of atherom plaque existence if increasing meaningfully. In general while the atherom existence in brain basillary arteries is 11.8% this rate is 28.8% in over 40, in coronary arteries ; atherom plaque existence rate is 40.1% and it is 66.2% in over 40. similary in aorta atherom plaque existence determined as % 49.1, this rate increases % 71.6 in over 40. It has been determined that there is a positive correlation between existence of atherom plaque in aorta and coronary arteries in average level (r:0.69. p < 0.001). We have also determined a low level positive correlation ( r:0.38, p < 0.001) between atherom plaque existence in coronaries and aorta. In our research we have not determined a statistical relation among residental district, death style and frequence of atherom plaque existence. It has been seen that obtained findings have supported common medical knowledge for society.

Key Words: Autopsy, atherosclerosis, brain, coronary arteries, aorta.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Kul GC, Balcı YG. Arteriosclerosis and Its Frequency in Respect with Macroscopic Findings in Medicolegal Autopsies. Bull Leg Med. 2004;9(3):69-73.