Retrospective Analysis of Allegations About the Breach of Discipline in Ankara Chamber of Dentist Between 2005-2009


  • Zehtiye Füsun Yaşar Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp AD
  • Erhan Büken



dentist, law, regulation, breach


PURPOSE: The allegations about the breach of disciplinary code in the Ankara Chamber of Dentists, the topic of the allegation and the specifications of the people whom allegedly breached the code are examined.

METHOD: 198 files charging 116 dentists have been examined in this study. The nature of the allegation, the age, sex, professional position of the doctor, and the sanctions held against the dentists when the allegations of breaching were true are studied.

FINDINGS: 45 (%38,8) of the dentists who were subject to questioning were women and 71 (%61,2) were men. It was observed that 76 of the dentists (%65,5) worked at polyclinics, and the 63 (%54,3) dentists who worked at polyclinics were responsible managers. Out of 198 breaching allegations 163 (%82,3) were proven to be true and various sanctions were implied to dentists. When the distribution of the breaches were examined it was found out that mostly the dentists didn’t comply with the prohibition of advertising (%42,9) and worked under the minimum wage (%22,7).

CONCLUSION: It was observed that the majority of the dentists, who were questioned under the allegations of breach, did not have enough information about the law, code and regulations concerning their profession and also some dentists breached the same regulation again. With all the obtained data, it is suggested that the dentists should be educated about the rules and regulations by people from professional associations.

Key Words: Dentist; law; regulation; breach


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Author Biography

  • Zehtiye Füsun Yaşar, Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp AD
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Research Article

How to Cite

Yaşar ZF, Büken E. Retrospective Analysis of Allegations About the Breach of Discipline in Ankara Chamber of Dentist Between 2005-2009. Bull Leg Med. 2014;17(2):3-9.