Forensic Document Examination Around the World
forensic document examination, questioned documents, forensic document examiner, graphology, calligraphyAbstract
Forensic document examination is a multidisipliner branch of work deals with the workout on the documents for research and investigation. It covers handwriting and signature comparisons, typewritten and print out documents, photocopies, preprinted document, fake notes, valuable documents, passport considerations, paper and ink analysis. Eventhough it has been implemented for a long period in the western countries, it couldn't be standardized in our country. With this purpose relevant resources constitutions of American Society of Questioned Document Examiners and Geselschaft für Forensische Schriftuntersuchung are taken into account. Then membership conditions of the examiners and responsibilities, implementation of the workouts were clearly declared. As a conclusion, it was agreed that the implementation of this workout with the standard criterias will create an objective and useful working area in our country. Which has been implemented with the certain rules and diciplines under the efficient control mechanism like western countries.
Key words: Forensic Document Examination, Questioned Documents, Forensic Document Examiner, Graphology, Caligraphy.
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“American Society of Questioned Document Examiners” tüzüğü.
“Geselschaft für Forensische Schriftuntersuchung” tüzüğü.
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