Are Tedious Working Hours and Their Wages are an Acknowledged Type of Child Abuse for Working Children a Study Conducted in Apprenticeship Schools
working children, economical abuse, long working hours, salaryAbstract
Article 9 of the Universal Declaration Of The Rights Of Children regulates that children are not to be employed before having reached a certain age. Both in our country and the world, the method and principles of the employement of the underaged, the duration of their shifts and break intervals and the amounts they are to earn have been subject to legislation. The object of this study is to compare the real shift durations of working children and the amounts of money they recieve in return, with the regulation for it in the law.
Material and Method: In the 2006-2007 school year, 580 (546 male, 34 female) students of apprentice schools have been subject to a survey which questioned the duration of their working shifts and their wages.
Findings: The average daily shift being 12 (11.089 ± 2,24 SD ) hours, 57.8% have been found to be working over 8 hours a day. No difference has been found between children of different age groups and sex, as regards the duration of their working shifts. No important difference has been found between children who are employed in different sectors, as regards their working hours. 3.6% of the participants have been found to work longer than 16 hours a day (median: 12.00, range: 6-18, SD: 0.11).
3.6% of the participants have been found to earn less than the minimum wage provided by the law.
Discussion and Conclusion: While the employement of children is already an issue by itself, it is great risk to make children work long shifts, which is why it should be viewed to be a branch of child exploitation. The wages that seem to be in accordance with the law are usually fairly inadequate, when the working hours are taken into consideration. It will be argued that in the inspection of workplaces where the employement of children is allowed, working hours of children should also be inspected, in order to prevent at least some harm from being done.
Keywords: working children,economical abuse,long working hours,salary
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