Does Accident Remind Us of Negligence - or Does Negligence Remind Us of Accident? - Case Report




neglect,, accidents,, children's rights


In this study, a child case who was admitted to the hospital with a history of falling from a height, and forensic medical consultation was requested due to a conflict between severe clinical findings and history, will be presented and attention will be drawn to the fact that abuse and neglect can underlie every accident, especially in children. A 3-year-old girl was referred to the hospital by her refugee family with a history of falling from a height of 4 meters onto a concrete floor at noon. Childhood physical traumas are situations that need to be investigated thoroughly, may be caused by neglect and abuse, and a multidisciplinary approach should be exhibited. In this regard, child health professionals; they can play important roles in many stages, from prevention, reporting and treatment to child protection and monitoring services.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Aslan F, Yaşar Teke H, Kıhtır HS, Pakiş I. Does Accident Remind Us of Negligence - or Does Negligence Remind Us of Accident? - Case Report. Bull Leg Med. 2023;28(2):207-211.