Evaluation of Juveniles Pushed to Crime: A Retrospective Study: Evaluation of Juvenile and Adolescent Criminals


Juvenile criminals
Adolescent criminals
Children driven to crime
Criminal liability
Psychiatric disorder


Objective: Evaluation of children and adolescents pushed to crime should be different from adult offenders. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the qualities of children and adolescents pushed to crime and to discuss them in the light of the literature.

Material and methods: Children who were evaluated in terms of criminal liability at Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Faculty of Medicine Department of Forensic Medicine and Bolu Forensic Medicine Branch Office between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2018 were included in the study.

Results: A total of 237 children and adolescents were included in the study. Of the cases, 76.8% (n: 182) were male and 23.2% (n: 55) were female.  The mean age was 13.38 ± 0.83. Of the cases, 80.6% were living in the nuclear family. Twenty-two cases (9.3%) were working in any job and sixty-four (%27) of the cases had one or more substance use history. Of the cases, 47.7% committed deliberate wounding crimes whereas 20.3% of cases committed burglary crimes. 152 cases (64.1%) committed a crime for the first time. 110 (46.4%) cases committed the crime together with a group of friends. Forty-seven cases (19.8%) had a psychiatric disorder. In 60.8% of the cases (n: 144), it was reported that they had criminal responsibility.

Conclusion: It is necessary to increase the number of Child Support Centers and to develop effective intervention methods for juveniles pushed to crime in these centers, and more studies should be conducted on these issues.



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