Traumatic Atlanto Axial Dislocation in Odontoid Aplasic Patient a Case Report
atlanto-axial dislocation, atlanto-axial ınstability, odontoid aplasiaAbstract
The case that has been applied to the emergency service with complaint of severe neck pain resulting from a minor trauma, was hospitalized and examined by the Department of Neurosurgery and then was operated with the diagnosis of atlanto-axial dislocation and odontoid aplasia. Forensic report was prepared by the Department of Forensic Medicine. Odontoid aplasia is usually asymptomatic and since it made the stability of atlas insufficient, a minor neck trauma caused dislocation. The abnormality caused unexpected injuries. Since the case is rare and the injury is unexpected, it is presented.
Key words: Atlanto-axial Dislocation, Atlanto-axial Instability, Odontoid Aplasia.
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