Prisoner Deaths Eskisehir Experience
prisoner deaths, forensic medicine, autopsyAbstract
Deaths occurring in police custody and in prisons are taking more attention and responses from media, society and met with response by families. The aim of this study is to evaluate the data obtained from autopsies performed to prison deaths in Eskişehir and propose solutions by comparing with the literature.
Deaths occurred in prison in a period of 10 years (2002-2011) in Eskişehir were included in the study. In this 10-year period, 71 of all were prisoner deaths. 69 of these cases were male, 2 were female, the youngest one 21 and the oldest one was 72 years old (mean: 45,8±11,4). The highest rate of cases were aged between 41 to 60. (n=35, % 49,3) Thirteen prisoners were on remand and 58 cases were convicted prisoners in death time period. Forty-one of the cases were natural deaths and 27 were suicidal deaths. Homicide was the most common reason for being prisoned. (n=27, % 38). All of the cases who committed suicide used hanging method.
It is extremely important to obtain accurate and detailed data about deaths occurring in prison, in terms of precautions to be taken. In our study, it was determined that natural death and suicide are the most common manner of deaths seen in prison. It is thought that applying regular health checks and psychological supportive treatments will reduce the mortality of prisoners. Additionally, increasing the opportunities for re-socialization and rehabilitation therapies of prisoners to regain them into social life would be effective to reduce prisoner deaths.
Key Words; Prisoner deaths, forensic medicine, autopsy
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